Monthly Archives: June 2011

My Life 2011

Repost from my personal blog

In celebration of my impending birthday, I’m writing a blog about what I’m working on this year.

37 years on this earth and man has it been a ride. 3 marriages, 3 kids, 3 fur-kids. I’m a graduate in the school of hard knocks and getting my masters in life right now.

I’ve always been a writer since I was about 14 years old. The pen and paper were my lifelines. My badge of courage through my turbulent teens. I was a boring kid with a boring life so I chose to create worlds that weren’t so boring. I started writing essays in school and the teachers always told me you should be a writer. You have the talent. I am my own worst critic everything I write of course is shit but that is just my negative nelly talking.

I then worked my way to poetry which was an easier medium for me. The words just flowed.

I didn’t start my first novel until I ran into an idea a few years ago. I had a premise to a story. It never went further than 2 paragraphs but then in a moment of epiphany, I dusted off my folder with my work in it and just started writing. I’m still working on it and it’s a slow process. I only have 6 chapters so far but my characters are still in my head demanding to have their say about things. They won’t let me rest. I could be at work and a line will pop up and it will sit there and bug me until I unload it. They talk in your head. It’s my opinion writers are all schizophrenics 🙂 LOL How else can you explain voice in your head? LOL
OH that’s right, I’m a writer. That’s what we do.

I also decided I was going to write as an indie/self published author. There is a lot of information out there for indies and SP authors. I’ve been blessed to meet some exceptional authors who take the time to talk shop to me. It’s all about networking. I can’t stress that enough.

So following in the footsteps of my writing, book reviewing fell into my lap. Why not do something I love and comment on it to help other authors like me? So needless to say it’s been a whirlwind the last few months. The enormous amount of info about book reviewers is a bit overwhelming when it’s right in front of you but I love a challenge.
So with the patience of some other really good book reviewers and authors I’m reviewing, I’m slowly learning the blog biz:) Thanks to all those who have helped me and continue to help me as I make this journey to my dream.
Now it’s your turn, tell me what your dream is and how are you working to attain it.
As always,
Heather Powers

Here is my contact information:


My Review Blog

My Personal Ramblings


Book Review Email
earthsbooknook at gmail dot com

My personal email
wolfwhisper at gmail dot com


Filed under Ramblings

Something a little different…..

As a few of you know, I’m a very spiritual person and I wanted to share with my readers, my spiritual rebirth….

Earthwindwalker’s Pieces of Inspiration

Please read on to find out about the other me 🙂

Enjoy and please comment.

Heather Powers


Filed under SPIRITUAL

A Spiritual Rebirth

Been awhile since I blogged on my journal site but wanted to write about our amazing experience yesterday. We went to
Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve for their annual Spring Rendezvous. We didn’t have the money to stay this time but went in as “flatlanders” to visit our spiritual family there. I’ve spoken about this place before many times. We considered it our second home for many years. Then chaotic energy formed there and it wasn’t so peaceful anymore. Now that we have went back, the energy has been restored and I now call it home again. I have been dealing with a lot of inner turmoil lately with my oldest child and my energy has not been very positive, the minute I set foot on the preserve peace returned and I was able to think without pain and hurt and everything was as it should be. Our family camps there every year and you could feel the immense love everyone shared for one another. Yesterday, we seen kids playing outside, running and laughing and you never realize how much of the modern world and conveniences overrun your life until you see simplicity like that. Eases my heart and soul to see that and gives me hope for the future. There was a memorial ceremony for one of our dear family that has passed away and native drummers sent his soul to the creator. It was very peaceful listening to the mother drum. She stirs my soul like nothing ever really has. Later in the evening, we had council fire. This was my first one and a very spiritual one for me. I spoke my heart as Grandfather walked the circle and then he gave me my spiritual name. The energy was awesome and I walked away from the circle fire as a renewed spirit. My soul at balance once again. And the one thing that stays with me is the whisper of the wind that said “it will be alright”. The tears flowed cleansing me of the pain and hurt that I’ve been going through the last month. I touched the moon and stars and came back as a new person.
As always,
Heather (Earthwindwalker) Powers


Filed under SPIRITUAL